1. Welcome to the High Vibe Heather Podcast
Mar 18, 2024
In this very first episode, I want to introduce myself, share a little bit about my story and my background to set the stage for you on how I ended up where I was and what I did to bring myself out of it. It's my hope that through sharing my story, I'll inspire to you to live more authentically.
I’m going to start with this premise…the experiences you have are what you make of them.
In and of themselves, they are neutral. The meaning you assign them determines the power that you give to them. These experiences can either become something that we give our power away to or that we gain power from.
The lens that you view yourself and the world through colors your perception and therefore the meaning that you assign these experiences. Why not look through a lens that’s actually helpful and supportive in creating what you want to experience?
- Sign up for my newsletter, High Vibe Habits, where I share tips and tools about Human Design, Energy Healing and more!
- I'd love to continue the conversation... follow me on Instagram @high.vibe.heather and send me a DM!
Music by: https://pixabay.com/users/paulyudin-27739282